Malwarebytes – will find and remove malicious adware software where AntiVirus fails.

Is your computer acting “slow” and full of advertising in your homepage? Are different ad pages open when you click on a link in your favorite website? Is your default search provider “”?

Conduit malware

You may be a victim of a silent installation of malware made by Conduit. It comes in different forms and flavors, and it is installed bundled in some software we use everyday, or ad-ons we install in our browsers. Removing malicious and unwanted adware software can be a difficult process, and often, our antivirus software (Norton, Avast, Microsoft Security Essentials, etc.) does not even find these malware programs. Malwarebytes, it is an anti-malware software that can be used along with your anti-virus software of choice. In my experience, Malwarebytes were successful most of the time in finding and removing all the malware and junk from computer, where other software would fail. It is free for personal use, and I strongly recommend to incorporate it to your weekly scanning along with antivirus.

1. Visit

2. Click on “Download free version”.

3. Install downloaded file.

4. Run the program and scan with their default settings.

You will be amazed how many malicious adware and malware it can find. Run the scan one or twice per week to ensure your computer is clean from any unwanted applications.

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